Motion Graphics (Demo Reels)

When I made the jump from animator to graphic designer, I thought to myself, “As a recent graduate in character animation, you should learn motion graphics before getting into proper graphic design, since it’s kind-of-sort-of the same thing.” That’s exactly what I did. I began absorbing as many tutorials and the like as I could, which led to the creation of these demo reels. 2020 features more basic motion graphics techniques, but is a more in depth look at who I am as a designer. Spring 2021 is a more cinematic reel, that features more advanced techniques, including procedural motion graphics and compositing. There are many motion graphics that did not make the cut, and even more that will be featured in future reels (which will be added here, of course). Watch them on YouTube with sound for the full experience!

All projects were done in Adobe After Effects.

Reel 2020 Thumb.png


Reel 2021 Thumb.png