Toronto Maple Leafs (NBA Jersey Concept)

It’s no secret that I am a lifelong fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs NHL team (it’s okay, get your jokes out now, I’m just as disappointed as you are). That said, I was scrolling through Instagram one day when I came across a concept for an NHL jersey, where the Miami Heat NBA team was put in place of the Tampa Bay Lightning. That find got me thinking, and with the creative juices flowing, I decided to take a stab at creating my own concept. This one, however, would feature an NHL team with an NBA jersey. As a Leafs fan, they were the obvious choice, and once I found a suitable mockup to design over, I began the trial and error process of creating what you see below. Maybe if the Leafs played basketball they would actually close out a playoff series? One can dream…

This project was done in Adobe Illustrator, with the final mockup being rendered in Photoshop.